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  • When Heroes Become Legends – English Subtitled

General information

The spoken language of the movie is mostly in Dutch. To make the movie accessible to an international audience we have included English subtitles in the movie.

The online streaming and download locations of this version of the movie can be found on this page. We hope that you will enjoy this movie.

The online availability of this movie on Vimeo and the purchase through this website is for personal use only. If you want to distribute this movie in another way such as organized group screenings or broadcast screenings, please contact us at info@outonthetrails.com

Online viewing

When Heroes Become Legends is available for free for online viewing. We have chosen to use Vimeo as the platform for online viewing on which you will be able to view the movie at a resolution of up to 4K.

You can watch the video in the player below or click on the Vimeo logo in the bottom right corner to go to the video on our Vimeo channel.

Downloading the movie and supporting us

For people that prefer to download the movie to watch it we offer an option to buy a downloadable version of the movie in full HD starting from just $5.00.

If you want to give us additional financial support for creating these kind of movies, the purchasing interface allows you to enter an amount that you feel is appropriate.

Any support we receive is hugely appreciated and is used to support creating future outdoor endurance sports movies.

Purchasing the movie is handled through our page on Reelhouse. The link below will open our page on their platform, where you can purchase the movie, in a new tab page.

Many thanks in advance for your support!

Copyright information

This motion picture is protected by copyright and other applicable laws and may not be duplicated, distributed, rebroadcast or used in any other way without the explicit written consent of the copyright owner, Out on the Trails.

When Heroes Become Legends is an Out On The Trails production. For more information, please contact us at info@outonthetrails.com